Hi Beautiful!
You cannot heal when your heart is closed off to avoid more pain
1) Closing your heart off to avoid painful emotions, equally cuts you off from giving and receiving real love
2) Closing your heart off to avoid painful emotions CAUSES pain because you are not in your state of truth!
So you lose!
Learning how to set and maintain boundaries is life-changing, as you realise that you can;
1) Open your heart fully to radiate and receive love, whilst having discernment to choose who is good for you and who is not
2) Feeling painful emotions is where healing happens and you realise it’s not only necessary, but it’s doable for you when you are supported consistently on this journey
3) Open your heart to become a vibrational match for love, which increases your standards and suddenly, boundary setting goes from feeling difficult, to feeling like second nature - easy!
4) Opening your heart draws other loving beings into your life and you find yourself living a more loving, fulfilling and connected life, wondering how on Earth you transformed yourself and your life! (You’ll be in awe of yourself!)
FREE Daily Mini Retreats to Dissolve your Heart’s protective shell
Feel safe in your vulnerability to unlock your hidden strengths
Release Stress and Anxiety
Be compassionately witnessed as you rise into a happier, more self-connected you
Just 10 minutes a day
Love Elle xxx